WFWI News Article

Resolution selection time

Hi all,

I thought I would introduce myself. I am Sue Gill, your new Resolutions Co-ordinator, taking on the role from Gillian Crisp (very big shoes to fill!).

You may have seen that this year’s resolution shortlist has been announced and we have five interesting and varied subjects to consider.

  1. Fit for purpose – fit for girls Girls’ clothing ranges often promote harmful gender stereotypes and can lack the practicality and robustness of boys’ clothing due to the differing design features and materials used. The NFWI calls on clothing manufacturers and retailers to produce and market clothes for girls at all ages which are equal to their boys’ clothing ranges in terms of design, quality and coverage, and which aim to empower and enable girls to feel comfortable and confident in whatever activity they choose throughout their childhood.
  2. Appropriate sentencing of non-violent women offenders Women in prison are some of the most vulnerable in society. The majority have committed non-violent offences, and many have been victims of much more serious offences than those they are accused of committing.  Prison can do enormous lasting damage to women’s mental health, and research shows that community support and management can be far more effective and produce better reoffending outcomes than custodial sentences, as well as mitigate the negative impacts on children and their wider families. The NFWI therefore urges government to renew its focus on early-intervention and community-based solutions for women who have committed non-violent offences as a matter of urgency.
  3. Equality in law for the menopause Too many women are experiencing discrimination at work and in wider society during the menopause. The NFWI calls on the Government to strengthen equality law by including the menopause as a protected characteristic alongside pregnancy and maternity under the Equality Act 2010, in order to provide better protection for women and to help tackle the stigma around menopause
  4. Women and Girls with ASD & ADHD – under-identified, under-diagnosed, misdiagnosed, under-supported Women and girls presenting with autistic spectrum disorder (ASD) and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) are going undiagnosed. The NFWI calls on the government and funding bodies to fund research into the female presentation of ASD and ADHD, and for action to be taken to improve the diagnosis process for women and girls, to ensure that they are equipped to better manage these conditions and do not suffer in silence.  The NFWI further calls on WI members to raise awareness within their WIs of the issues facing women and girls with ASD and ADHD.
  5. Tackling digital exclusion Digital exclusion in the UK is preventing a significant proportion of the population from accessing the internet, and therefore limiting access to essential services, learning opportunities and social connection. This can be due to a lack of internet connection, lack of access to devices or lack of digital literacy. With millions of people affected, the NFWI calls on the government to increase investment in digital infrastructure, ensure access to suitable devices and appropriate education and training.

How to vote …
The voting slips are in WI Life, and I know some members prefer to use that and either send it to Sarah at the office or hand it in to you or your Secretary.
Or you may be given a voting slips at your Christmas or January meeting for them to select their preference.
Deadline for voting is 14th February please.

I appreciate some members may not be interested in the campaigning side of the WI and won’t want to participate, that of course is absolutely fine. For many, however, this is an important part of membership.

Thank you very much for your support.

All the best, and seasonal good wishes to everyone

Sue Gill
Resolutions Co-ordinator

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