WFWI News Article

November 2023 email newsletter

Dear Members

As I write this, I am looking out of the window marvelling at the beautiful frost across the garden. I know winter is not everyone’s favourite, but we have to admire the beauty of it – especially viewed through the window! Not everyone has that luxury so we must bear a thought for them.

We have so much wool at the office it would be great if some of you could join us for a morning to knit up some squares for blankets (or a ten-stitch blanket) It will be either Wednesday 17th or Thursday 18th January from 10.30 to 12.30. If you are a knitter or you can crochet and would like to lead this, please get in touch with the office!

I know your WIs have lots of lovely activities planned for December so please make sure they take the photos to send to us and put them on social media – we need to bust that Jam and Jerusalem myth!

In January you will be asked to select a resolution for the WI to take to the Annual meeting in June. Please read the information in the WI Life or on the NFWI website and select a resolution that you think we can really make a difference – every vote counts!

As always, I look forward to meeting you in the New Year at a WI event.
Wishing you a Merry Christmas and a Happy and peaceful New Year.

Sue Postlethwaite

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